Chew, Swallow


What flavors do you remember most?

Do you remember the young togethers that were
      sweet to the taste?
When love was wrapped in cellophane–
      Those loud, bright, and youthful days
And candied memories suspended
      in syrupy nostalgia.

Do you remember the lonely aparts?
      Days when salt had lost its savor
When you were left hungering for a something
      that could not be and would never be,
Left wandering in imagination
      and unwilling to digest that bitter reality.

Do you remember the mundane specials?
      the blue plate of another today
Holding steady, keeping due course
      with dreams in the head, work on the hands
Though we may not taste love today
      we have more than enough sustenance.

Do you remember those cozy nights?
      The fire of comrades to raise the spirits
It’s an honest flavor rarely surpassed
      A time-tested classic never too tired
After all, the taste of friendship isn’t too heavy
      Only light and warming, comforting to the soul.

There are so many things to remember
      But with all that’s been on the plate
I hope you take in the flavors of life:
      the sweet and the savory
Among the bland and the bitter
      –They all have their place at the table
It’s a thought, you know?
      Something to chew,
      Something to swallow.

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